Email from 珍妮·戴维森博士.D., 密歇根州立大学丹佛 president and 芭芭拉甘, Chair of the 校董会





We are thrilled to write to you today about two historic U.S. Supreme Court decisions this week: Monday’s ruling that protects LGBTQ employees from workplace discrimination and today’s decision upholding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, 或DACA.

在第一种情况下, 法院以6比3作出裁决 that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, with Colorado’s own Justice Neil Gorsuch writing the majority opinion. In today’s case, the justices 裁定5 - 4 that the current administration’s effort to rescind DACA was “arbitrary and capricious,,因此无效, upholding deportation protections for the 700,000-plus Dreamers who benefit from the program.

These rulings affirm two populations that Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 has advocated for over many years. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校开设了 first on-campus LGBTQ support organization in Colorado more than 25 years ago. The University was also the first in Colorado to offer a special tuition rate for undocumented students, 举办了一个 为DACA学生集会 last fall and joined an amicus brief in support of DACA filed in the Supreme Court case. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 educates more undocumented students than any other college or university in Colorado.

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, we firmly believe in investing in the success of all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or immigration status, and will continue to do so. We recognize that Supreme Court decisions don’t guarantee equality or equity in our society and promise to continue our advocacy work for students, faculty and staff in these vulnerable groups. 作为皇冠官网网站的 校董会 emphasized in its resolution on racial injustice earlier this week, there is still much work to be done. 作为一所大学, we are committed to being true to the values of diversity and inclusion that we espouse.

For those members of the Roadrunner family who are DACA recipients, 移民服务 will be hosting a webinar with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition on Monday at 11 a.m. with attorneys and 密歇根州立大学丹佛 trustee Marissa Molina, who is a DACA recipient herself, 讨论接下来的步骤. Those students have received an email with more details and a registration link.

We celebrate this week’s legal victories and look forward to the work ahead.



Chair of the 校董会